There is a small texture around the edges of all the blocks so that you understand what kind of block it is.Supports the following modifications: Optifine, Thaumcraft, Industrial Craft 2, Substratum, Neotech, Inductive Automation.Although server admins try in every possible way to prohibit and block cheats, but since this is a resource pack, and not a mod, the likelihood that it will be noticed is small (except for their own server launchers).

But this pack has significant differences from its counterparts. Thus, this allows you to quickly find and dig up a bunch of diamonds and other resources. Probably everyone knows what it is, because this kind of resource packs are made transparent by ordinary blocks, and valuable ores are left unchanged. Xray Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.8 - 1.17.1 is another cheat resource pack from the xray family. Xray Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.8 - 1.17.1